Lombardo’s, October 17, 2019
“Society has told me I should have been working as a greeter at Walmart or bagging groceries at a local grocery store but that’s not me”
Derek “Tank” Schottle
Looking back on my life, I now know why I was struggling in class while others seemed to put in zero effort. It is imperative for every kid with learning differences to have that person they can go to for help and make sure they are getting proper support in their classrooms,for then they too, will achieve greatness.”
William Burgess
Photo Montage
2019 Embrace Our Learning Differences Gala
Joe Peroni
The impact of having a sibling with a learning difference
THE S.E.A.L. Foundation 2019 extraordinary Individual award
The Don Rodman Profile in Compassion and Courage Award
Derek “Tank” Schottle accepting the award and his full speech